アロマンシー香りの錬金術プライベートセッション スクールオブアロマンシーワークショップ ボディーワーク スペースレンタル
Aromancy Perfume Divination Private Session The School of Aromancy Workshops Bodywork Space Rental
アロマンシー香りの錬金術プライベートセッション スクールオブアロマンシーワークショップ ボディーワーク スペースレンタル
Aromancy Perfume Divination Private Session The School of Aromancy Workshops Bodywork Space Rental

“I'm an enthusiast and love to be satisfied.”

Fire - Earth Yang Leaning
Internal Organs
Heart (Yin) Small Intestine (Yang)
Sensory Organ
Hand - Touching
Organ Clock
11am - 3pm, 7pm - 11pm
Primal Emotion

Yin Yang
Extreme Yin/Yang
Divine Self
Energy Direction
Centre Circulatory
Body Layer
Spiritual Body
Primal Theme
Influential Age
Primal Question
Who are you?
Personality Traits
Characteristic role
Enthusiast, Epicure
Ego fixation
Holy idea
Novelty, fulfillment
Basic fear
Being unfulfilled, trapped, deprived
Basic desire
To be satisfied and content
Thinking fulfilment is somewhere else
A Few Words about the Condition.
Fire is the source of life. It creates and transforms, it turns invisible into visible, consciousness into physical reality.
The emotion relating to Fire element is "joy". It is a positive emotion, but excess can turns to aggression, impatience, and impulsive actions.
The etherial (spiritual) Fire is the consciousness that knows who you are, and physical Fire (Heart) circulates four other elements, using them as the tool to manifest the consciousness into tangible reality.
Heart's pair organ Small Intestine separate and absorb nutrients from what it receives. On the energetic side it separates good from evil.
Fire Elements' nine perfumes are created based on the description by Enneagram of Personalities. What you pick may or may not seem to fit your personality, at least to your own knowledge.
It is because your personality is influenced by all your experiences in this realm. After making olfactory choices from each element, see that your combination of choice perfumes would lead naturally to your Fire Element choice.
If not in a good balance, then consider to focus your personal development on one or more element that create the imbalance.

A perfume that expresses your originality.
Enneagram of Personality #7
This formula supports Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras→

Message from Plants
The Dynamo has the power to manifest and brings wealth in the material world. It is the epitome of youthful, Earth element energy.
The two chiefs Aglaia and Osmanthus symbolise such earthy quality.
The minister Patchouli symbolise freedom.
Three assistants, Green Pepper, Lime, and Oregano bring Yang and young energy to the formula.
The messenger Wintergreen helps to relax the overworking muscle.
07 Dynamo - 勢香
Scent Character
A powerfully explosive Yang formula that brings together physical - material realm
Role - Common Name - Latin Name - Family - Parts Used
Chief = Aglaia - Aglaia odorata - Meliaceae - Flower
Chief = Osmanthus - Osmanthus fragrans - Oleaceae - Flower
Minister = Patchouli -Posostemo cablin - Lamiaceae - Whole
Assistant = Green Pepper - piper nigrum - Piperaceae - Seeds
Assistant = Lime -Citrus aurantifolia - Rutaceae - Fruit peel
Assistant = Oregano - Origanum vulgare - Lamiaceae - Leaves
Messenger = Wintergreen - Gaultheria fragrantissia - Ericaceae - Leaves