アロマンシー香りの錬金術プライベートセッション スクールオブアロマンシーワークショップ ボディーワーク スペースレンタル
Aromancy Perfume Divination Private Session The School of Aromancy Workshops Bodywork Space Rental
アロマンシー香りの錬金術プライベートセッション スクールオブアロマンシーワークショップ ボディーワーク スペースレンタル
Aromancy Perfume Divination Private Session The School of Aromancy Workshops Bodywork Space Rental

"I will let go of hurt and move on to love."

Metal - Yin
Internal Organs
Lung (Yin) Large Intestine (Yang)
Sensory Organ
Nose - Smelling
Organ Clock
3am - 7am
Primal Emotion

Yin Yang
Yang of Yin
Plant Self
Energy Direction
Vertical Upward
Body Layer
Emotional Body
Primal Theme
Give and Receive
Influential Age
Infant to 14 years
Primal Question
How do you feel?
Personality Traits
Possible Past Condition
Desert dry. Had to fend myself against cynicism
Possible Current Condition
Memory of hurt inhibiting to give freely
Basic Fear
Receiving aggression
Basic Inward desire
Basic Outward desire
Accepting others as they are
Positive Attributes
Being able to let go and move on
Negative Attributes
Unable to let go and hurt themselves
A few words about the condition.
Forgiveness is for giving. It is difficult to one to know how to give love if you’ve never received. Often the emotion gets twisted when the attention you receive is an attack disguised as love, or when a complement you receive turns out to be a clever insult. You can either choose to play the game on their turf, or learn to go beyond the endless cycle of sadomasochism.
A lesson for the Metal element is to know that the life at this stage is the game of survival, and everyone is for himself. Right or wrong, there is nothing you can do for the action of others’ free will. Find a way to make peace with yourself and let go of hate. Wash it all way.

A perfume that improves interpersonal relationships.
Perfume that helps you to forgive others.
This formula supports Throat and Heart Chakras→

Message from Plants
Cistus is the chief. This plant thrives on dry soil and salty air of Mediterranean coast. It is said to aid in healthy lymph flow.
Lavender is the minister. It is perhaps the coldest of all oils. Lavender helps you to stay cool against aggressive and persistent attack.
Sandalwood is the second minister. The precious Sandalwood is like a reservoir of fresh water. It has the ability to anchor and enhance other materials without losing its own presence.
Opopanax is the assistant. Opopanax, the Sweet Myrrh also has the watery quality. More healing and a bit more anchoring element of this formula.
Labrador Tea, Neroli, Linden are the messenger. All three are included in this formula to give at-home feeling. Labrador Tea was given to the new arriving people from the old continent as substitute for the tea.
Neroli gives fresh expectation of spring time. Linden is the tree often planted around the waterholes in European villages.
16 Release - 流香
Scent Character
Silence, Patience, Modest Stimulation, Feeling at Home, Coolness, Peace of Mind, Happiness, Stay still, Flushing out.
Role - Common Name - Latin Name - Family - Parts Used
Chief = Cistus - Cistus ladaniferus - Cistaceae - Branches
Minister = Lavender - Lavandula angustifolia - Lamiaceae - Flower
Minister = Sandalwood - Santalum album - Santalaceae - Wood
Assistant = Opopanax - Commiphora guidotti - Burseraceae - Resin
Messenger = Labrador tea - Rhododendron grenlandicum - Ericaceae - Leaves
Messenger = Neroli - Citrus aurantium - Rutaceae - Flower
Messenger = Linden - Tilia argentea - Tiliaceae - Flower