アロマンシー香りの錬金術プライベートセッション スクールオブアロマンシーワークショップ ボディーワーク スペースレンタル
Aromancy Perfume Divination Private Session The School of Aromancy Workshops Bodywork Space Rental
アロマンシー香りの錬金術プライベートセッション スクールオブアロマンシーワークショップ ボディーワーク スペースレンタル
Aromancy Perfume Divination Private Session The School of Aromancy Workshops Bodywork Space Rental

Perfume Divination - Aromancy Consultation Method
Divination means to foretell the future by observing the natural phenomena. In the case of Aromancy, nature is your client. How we create a perfume to help manifest the client's wish is the work of Aromancy. But often, in order to come to what the client wants, they must accept what they need. When what they need is found with their intuition instead of being pressed on by others, then the process becomes natural and easy. Aromancer's job is to guide the client to intuitively choose a number of essential oils out of Aromancy Board, and speak on behalf of plants to pass the message hidden in the scent. Many challenges must be overcome in order to succeed in Aromancy consultation.
Total 72 hours
#401 Perfume Divination - Aromancy Consultation Method 1 - Preparation of Aromancer-to-be
1) Understanding the big picture - Taoism and comparative study of world religions, mythology, spiritual schools, art and philosophy
2) Attitude of non-judgement
3) Understanding and preparing /opening / holding the space.
4) Describe Aromancy in 5 min.
Duration: ca. 2 hours + Review and Quiz = Total 4 study hours
#402 Perfume Divination - Aromancy Consultation Method 2 - Understanding the question or the theme
1) Listening and help to clarify the question - if you don't understand, is it you or is it them?
2) What should the theme be when there is no question or what if the client can not clarify themselves?
3) If there is a clear "desired outcome", should it even be reached? (without judging)
Duration: ca. 2 hours + Review and Quiz = Total 4 study hours
#403 Perfume Divination - Aromancy Consultation Method 3 - Diagnosing the theme according to OM concept
1) Defining the main cause of the theme and the Element affected
2) Possible counter measure or required support
3) Defining the root cause of the theme and the Element affected
4) Possible counter measure or required support
5) Case Study
Duration: ca. 6 hours + Review and Quiz = Total 12 study hours
#404 Perfume Divination - Aromancy Consultation Methods 4 - Exploring the Aromancy Board
1) Intuitive selection
2) Where in the Aromancy Board...
3) By suggestion of Aromancer
4) Case Study
Duration: ca. 6 hours + Review and Quiz = Total 12 study hours
#405 Perfume Divination - Aromancy Consultation Methods 5 - Selecting essential oils
1) Observing reaction and listening to the comment
2) Message from plants
3) Elimination process
4) Deciding the number of essential oils according to numerology
5) Case Study
Duration: ca. 6 hours + Review and Quiz = Total 12 study hours
#406 Perfume Divination - Aromancy Consultation Methods 6 -Blending and making a balanced perfume
1) Notes and harmony
2) Role of each selected oils
3) Mode of application
4) Hands on training
Duration: ca. 6 hours + Review and Quiz = Total 12 study hours
#407 Perfume Divination - Aromancy Consultation Methods 7 - Trial / Guided session
By appointment
Duration: ca. 3 hours + Report and Review = Total 6 study hours
You may repeat multiple times.

Tao of Aromancy - Understanding Human Behavior - Applied Concepts
These workshops are for any health-related practitioners and others who wish to learn and work with the plant medicine properly and respectfully.
Aromancy is anchored in the universal view of Tao. Traditional Oriental Medicine such as acupuncture originate from Tao, and Aromancy has adopted and modified the theory of Yin and Yang and Five Elements for the use of essential oils in dealing with primally emotional issues. With these simple but profound theories as a diagnostic tool, you are able to answer any question your client brings to the table, and guide them in the right direction.
Applied Concepts means merging of various philosophical/religious/shamanic traditions and modern psychology together. Aromancy is a flexible tool of communication and the quality and success of your consultation depend on what you bring from your experiences and training. This means, what we offer in our courses is certainly not the only way to conduct Aromancy session - rather perhaps, an example to which you add your own life's philosophy to synthesize your own Aromancy.
The most important tool of all in Aromancy is the intuition - Your own as well as your clients. The true intuition, in our understanding, can only be realized when you are disciplined in the basic skill set. otherwise it will just be a wild guess.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of introductory level
128 hours total
#501 Tao of Aromancy - Understanding Human Behavior - Applied Concepts 1 - OM Diagnostics Methods
1) Face Reading
2) Pulse Reading
3) Tongue Reading
4) Posture, Body Type
5) Color
6) Possible help from plant essences.
Duration: ca. 4 hours + Review and Quiz = Total 8 study hours
#502 Tao of Aromancy - Understanding Human Behavior - Applied Concepts 2 - Deeper Understanding of Emotions and Elements
1) Review of five emotions relating to each Element
2) Inter-relationship and transmutation of emotion
3) Misidentification and misrepresentation of emotion by client
4) Possible help from plant essences.
Duration: ca. 3 hours + Review and Quiz = Total 6 study hours
#503 Tao of Aromancy - Understanding Human Behavior - Applied Concepts 3 - Discussion on Patten of Behaviors
1) Masking, Indifference, Aloofness, Victim, Escapism, Compulsion, Exaggeration, Pathological liar, Domination, Hoarding, Isolation, promiscuity etc.
2) Relating above with Five Element Theory
3) Possible help from plant essences.
Duration: ca. 6 hours + Review and Quiz = Total 12 study hours
#504 Tao of Aromancy - Understanding Human Behavior - Applied Concepts 4 - Discussion on Specific Emotions/Conditions
1) Depression
2) Fear and Anxiety
3) Disappointments
4) Lethargy
5) Indecision and Procrastination
6) Possible help from plant essences.
Duration: ca. 4 hours + Review and Quiz = Total 8 study hours
#505 Tao of Aromancy - Understanding Human Behavior - Applied Concepts 5 - Discussion on Relationships
1) Love / Partner
2) Family member
3) Friends/Enemies outside
4) Sexual Abuse
4) Possible help from plant essences.
Duration: ca. 4 hours + Review and Quiz = Total 8 study hours
#506 Tao of Aromancy - Understanding Human Behavior - Applied Concepts 6 - Discussion on Life
1) Existential Question
2) Power and Determination
3) Freedom
4) Understanding and Acceptance
5) Open to Receive
6) Possible help from plant essences.
Duration: ca. 4 hours + Review and Quiz = Total 8 study hours
#507 Tao of Aromancy - Understanding Human Behavior - Applied Concepts 7 - Advanced Session Methods
1) Family Constellation
Duration: ca. 3 hours + Review and Practical Training = Total 6 study hours
#508 Tao of Aromancy - Understanding Human Behavior - Applied Concepts 8 - Advanced Session Methods
1) Free Association
Duration: ca. 3 hours + Review and Practical Training = Total 6 study hours
#509 Tao of Aromancy - Understanding Human Behavior - Applied Concepts 9 - Advanced Session Methods
1) Past, Present, Future
Duration: ca. 3 hours + Review and Practical Training = Total 6 study hours
#600 Aromancy Practitioner Certification - Case Study
Submit 20 Case Study for the certification = Counted as 60 hours
#700 I Ching with Aromancy
Coming soon