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02 Giver - 捧香


“I'm a giver and love to help.”


Fire - Water Yin Leaning

Internal Organs

Heart (Yin) Small Intestine (Yang)

Sensory Organ

Hand - Touching



Organ Clock

11am - 3pm, 7pm - 11pm



Primal Emotion


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Yin Yang

Extreme Yin/Yang


Divine Self

Energy Direction

Centre Circulatory

Body Layer

Spiritual Body

Primal Theme


Influential Age


Primal Question

Who are you?

Personality Traits

Characteristic role

Helper, giver

Ego fixation


Holy idea

Freedom, will

Basic fear

Being unloved

Basic desire

To feel love


Deny own needs, manipulation





A Few Words about the Condition.

Fire is the source of life. It creates and transforms, it turns invisible into visible, consciousness into physical reality.

The emotion relating to Fire element is "joy". It is a positive emotion, but excess can turns to aggression, impatience, and impulsive actions.

The etherial (spiritual) Fire is the consciousness that knows who you are, and physical Fire (Heart) circulates four other elements, using them as the tool to manifest the consciousness into tangible reality.

Heart's pair organ Small Intestine separate and absorb nutrients from what it receives. On the energetic side it separates good from evil.

Fire Elements' nine perfumes are created based on the description by Enneagram of Personalities. What you pick may or may not seem to fit your personality, at least to your own knowledge.

It is because your personality is influenced by all your experiences in this realm. After making olfactory choices from each element, see that your combination of choice perfumes would lead naturally to your Fire Element choice.

If not in a good balance, then consider to focus your personal development on one or more element that create the imbalance.

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A perfume that expresses your originality.

Enneagram of Personality #2

This formula supports Heart and Sacral Chakras→


Message from Plants

A giver channels the energy of the sun and the earth directly. This way the giver can give unconditionally.

Two chiefs, Carnation symbolise the mother (earth)'s giving nature, and Mimosa, with its yellow ball shape flower, symbolise the father (sun)'s giving nature.

There are four assistants in this formula. Helichrysum communicates with the sun. St. John's speaks gently to calm you down. Myrrh embraces and gives you time to heal. Ginger settles you down to gentle warmth.

The messenger, Carrot seed provides abundance and clear vision.

02 Giver - 捧香

Scent Character
The mimosa and carnation symbolise "unconditional love" and are surrounded by light and healing plants.

Role - Common Name - Latin Name - Family - Parts Used
Chief = Carnation - Dianthus caryophyllus - Caryophyllaceae - Flower
Chief = Mimosa -Acacia dealbata - Fabeaceae - Flower
Assistant = Helichrysum - Helichrysum itaicum - Astraceae - Flowering top
Assistant = St. John's Wort - Hypericum perforatum - Hypericaceae - Aerial top
Assistant = Myrrh - Commiphora myrrha - Burseraceae - Resin
Assistant = Ginger - Zingiber officinalis - Zingiberaceae - Root
Messenger = Carrot seed - Daucus carrota - Apiaceae - Seed

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