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アロマンシー香りの錬金術プライベートセッション スクールオブアロマンシーワークショップ ボディーワーク スペースレンタル
Aromancy Perfume Divination Private Session The School of Aromancy Workshops Bodywork Space Rental
アロマンシー香りの錬金術プライベートセッション スクールオブアロマンシーワークショップ ボディーワーク スペースレンタル
Aromancy Perfume Divination Private Session The School of Aromancy Workshops Bodywork Space Rental

Aromancy Online Consultation
(Please apply after completion of Pictomancy) 1 hour 80 Euros
Aromancy Private Session (Currently in Tokyo) Up to 4 hours 35,000 Yen
Custom Perfumery
Aromancy uses only pure natural plant essences. Due to variation of raw material cost, the price will be determined at blending.
Aroma Stick total 1ml EO after blending + ethanol
Aroma Oil Sample 1ml EO after blending + Jojoba oil = total 5 ml
Aura Spray 1ml EO after blending + Electrolyte water = total 50 ml
Eau de Parfum EO blend 10% + Ethanol = 50ml , 100ml
Attar EO blend 10% + Jojoba oil = 50ml. 100ml
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